Monday 21 October 2013

10 Awesome Innovations From Google

 Google turned fifteen this year and has return an extended method in terms of innovative product and ideas. From the ultra-modern Google Glass to auto-driven cars, Google’s persistent zeal to attain quality innovation in type of fields ne\'er seizes to amaze North American nation. As compiled by TOI, here area unit ten impressive innovations from Google to celebrate the company’s fifteen years of awesomeness.

#10 Password alternatives
Password Alternatives

Over the previous couple of years, Google has improved its efforts to kill passwords forever. saying its support to quick Identity on-line Alliance (FIDO), the corporate is functioning on novel means that to verify user’s identity after they access their on-line accounts. Motorola is compounding science with health and is exploring the appliance of Proteus Digital Health pill, that is encompasses a distinctive graphical record trace which will be accustomed establish users via external devices. Dennis Woodside, business executive of Google’s Motorola unit conjointly spoke concerning versatile electronic circuits which will be used as distinctive passwords by embedding them into people’s skin.

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