Wednesday 23 October 2013

#1 Android

 Google has left its mark within the Smartphone world as eighty % of the Smartphones nowadays area unit power-driven by the company’s mechanical man OS. albeit mechanical man isn\'t an inspired product of Google because it nonheritable the corporate that created the OS, Google treated the OS as its own by adding its innovative bit to the software system. at the start mechanical man was meant to function AN OS for digital cameras, however Google turned it into mobile software system a lot of before Apple came out with its iPhone.

Today, mechanical man OS with its numerous versions that area unit named once a course or sweetener, is one in every of the foremost widespread softwares to be used as a result of its simple interface, big selection of free apps and its open supply nature that provides users choice to update their mechanical man versions on their devices for gratis. as a result of this, mechanical man is popularly adopted as OS on mobile devices from corporations like just Samsung, Huawei, ZTE, Micromax and Xiaomi.

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